Many of our readers often ask how to find detoxification programs that are actually safe and healthy, so this week, to kick off 2015 on a healthy foot, we're offering all of our readers and subscribers a FREE e-book on how to avoid these scams, and choose a detox program that is actually safe and works naturally with your body to eliminate toxins and improve your overall health. Read on to find out how you can grab your free copy.
Many people start off the New Year with resolutions to improve their health. Exercise is a common goal, but so is cleansing/detoxing and losing weight. A healthy, safe detoxification program can be a great way to improve your health this year - but you've got to make sure you're choosing the right one. A lot of the so-called "detox" programs out there are at best ineffective, and at worst, actually harmful to your health.
Many of our readers often ask how to find detoxification programs that are actually safe and healthy, so this week, to kick off 2015 on a healthy foot, we're offering all of our readers and subscribers a FREE e-book on how to avoid these scams, and choose a detox program that is actually safe and works naturally with your body to eliminate toxins and improve your overall health. Read on to find out how you can grab your free copy.
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'Tis the season for sniffles and sneezes, but you can fight back by building a super strong immune system that will protect you from nasty colds and flu this winter. As we all know, the best cure is prevention, and your best way to prevent any type of illness is to build a rock-solid immune system that can fight off any germ or virus in record time. This week, we're sharing a healthy recipe chock-full of natural immune boosters, so you can take control of your health this year and stay healthy all year long! Read on to find out more about these immune-boosting ingredients, and whip up a batch of the special recipe below to keep you healthy throughout the holidays and beyond. While more and more people are eating healthier organic and naturally raised foods, many people don't realize that what you put ON your body has just as much impact on your health as what you put in your body - if not more. In fact, while our digestive systems are able to partly detoxify the things that we ingest, substances that you put on your skin are absorbed almost immediately, and go directly into your bloodstream. On average, when you apply a product to your skin such as a lotion or makeup, 65% of the ingredients are absorbed within 26 seconds. Did you know that the average woman wears approximately 515 chemicals every day?!? Men aren't exempt either. More and more men are using personal care products such as moisturizers and lotions, not to mention deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, and all the other products that we all use regardless of gender. Is it any wonder the rates of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and autism have skyrocketed over the past few decades? Now more than ever, it's essential that we take steps to protect our health and take control of what goes into our bodies! Using all-natural products on our skin is a great start, but they can be somewhat difficult to find. Many products marketed as "natural" or even "organic" still contain harmful chemicals. There are a few companies consistently producing healthy and safe personal care products, and we recommend using these instead of their chemical-filled conventional counterparts. Check out our Products page for some recommendations. Today, I'm giving you a run-down of just a few of the most common chemicals you will want to avoid. Get familiar with these, make a list and carry it in your purse or wallet, and consult it when shopping. Get used to reading labels, and learn to identify "hidden" chemicals that may be harmful to your health. Here are 9 common ingredients to look out for: Last week I discussed an article which disturbed me with its assumptions regarding success, health, and general well-being. If you haven't read it yet, be sure to check out last week's blog post for the first two points - you won't want to miss those, especially if you are, or have been, having financial difficulties! This week, I've got one final point for you, as well as the answer to taking back control of your life and health. This third assumption may affect you regardless of your income, and it can have a very harmful effect on your future health! Assumption #3. Other People (e.g. Doctors, Therapists, etc.) Are Responsible for Your Health & Well-Being A few of our readers have asked us to post more articles on specific diseases and natural remedies, so I will try to throw a few of these in from time to time! This week we're talking about one of the most dreaded diseases - and one of the most common to affect our aging population: Alzheimer's disease. This progressive degenerative (and fatal) brain disease affects an estimated one in three seniors in America, and is the fifth leading cause of death in those 65 or older, according to Families of those with Alzheimer's disease are also affected, as they watch their loved ones slip away before their eyes, forgetting everything that made them who they were, and becoming someone else entirely. It is a frightening thing - both for those afflicted with the disease, and for those who care for them. And the incidence of Alzheimer's only continues to rise. Is there any hope for a cure? Will this dreadful disease eventually afflict us all as we age? While no one can know for sure, in fact there are some signs of hope - if not for a cure, then at least for preventative measures that we can all take today to ensure our future health and longevity. One food item people often ask me about is coconut oil. Probably one of the most hyped-up natural remedies since apple cider vinegar, coconut oil has been touted as the cure to everything from tooth decay to Alzheimer's disease. But is it really? Can this tropical nut oil truly do all that the stories circulating the internet claim? Today I will address some of those claims, and also share some facts about coconut oil in an attempt to clear up the confusion about this subject. First, the hype. From the fact that a search for "coconut oil" pulls up 16 million hits on Google, you can tell that a lot of people are talking about this topic! From the Dr. Oz show, to the New York Times, coconut oil has been making headlines for a few years now. But how to separate the fact from the fiction? |
About the AuthorRose Sarko grew up on a farm in the Ozark mountains learning about healthy living, sustainable organic gardening, and the important connections between the natural world and humanity. Over the past 10+ years, Rose has devoted more and more of her life to learning about health as a holistic system, rather than a static approach to specific illnesses. Rose is of the belief that all parts of the body and mind, just like all parts of the natural world and human society, are connected in an integral way, and learning to work with the entire system as a whole is the best way to true health. She is a Certified Life Coach, and currently lives in Ohio with her husband, 2 barn cats, and a small flock of chickens on their 5-acre homestead. Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links. If you purchase an item through a link on our site, your cost will remain the same, but we will receive a small commission. This helps us continue to be able to bring you helpful information on healthy and holistic living. We appreciate your support!
December 2024